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Verretti has designed a glass, the Univerre, that allows every wine to show its full potential. In colour, in bouquet and in taste. An elegant glass with special technical characteristics, affordable and of high quality.


At first glance you may not realise it, but the development of the Univerre wine glass was an extensive process. With this glass, the results of many years of research and experiment come together in a technically high value design in which attention was paid to every minor detail.


One glass, suitable for every sort of wine.

  • Refined design

  • Strong

  • Made from lead-free crystalline

  • Affordable


Click here for the Univerre glass dimensions.

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The glass has a large bowl, which provides sufficient surface area to allow the wine to invite enough oxygen.
The curvature of the bowl is such that the wine does not ‘break’ when swirling.
The tapering bowl ensures the retention of flavours and prevents predominance of the alcohol.


The thickness of the stem is designed for comfort and strength. Thick enough therefore to not easily break, but pleasant to hold. And slim enough for the glass to be attractive.


The bowl and base are fused into the stem instead of both under the bowl and at the base. By creating only one melting point, the glass maintains a smooth, seamless shape.

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The base is completely in line with the elegant design of the bowl and at the same time broad enough to provide a stable, strong balance to the glass, ensuring the glass doesn’t easily tip over.

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